UX research is an underestimated part of the digital communication of companies, but also of institutions and governments. UX research often reveals important issues with regard to the malfunctioning of, for example, a website or an app. There are still too many assumptions made. This costs your customers, results in poorer information provision and often leads to more telephone calls, since digital leaves a lot to be desired. MarketingFrom a marketing point of view, a user survey can clarify at which point in the marketing funnel people drop out. You can also clarify the reason for this in a survey among users. Unclear formsWhat you often see is that it is unclear what someone has to fill in a form. When designing a fill-in form, you have to think of all possible details. In practice, research shows that the design is not good after all. This also still happens at municipalities that aim for citizens to arrange everything digitally as much as possible. A missed opportunity, therefore, to make things run smoothly. VOC voice of customerThe VOC voice of customer is also an underestimated part of communication on a website. This too can become clear with an investigation. You see that people do not feel addressed. In the event that language is too difficult, while your target group can just handle B1 level, this creates ambiguity. These kinds of misunderstandings, as well as unclear forms, ensure that the telephone helpdesk is unnecessarily burdened. Make adjustmentsSo are you making the right adjustments based on user research? Then you save on costs in the long run. Plus, it’s also better for your name. People greatly appreciate good user-friendliness on digital expressions. It also provides companies with more customers quickly. By making use of the research there is therefore a good chance that the investment of the research will pay for itself.
https://www.reveall.co/guides/ux-research |