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How far do you go with your online resources?

Especially the large, but also the medium-sized companies, are very aware of what is happening online. They know what is being tweeted about them, through which channels new customers come in, and what the customer needs are based on the online data. There are also companies that rely more on their gut feeling. Which strategy suits your company?

What is your target?

The first question to find out what the answer is: what is the purpose of your company? It is also important what your why is and which values ​​are important to you. If you have your right to exist through, for example, very good customer service and you switch to only contact via email because of the costs? There will be customers who will then drop out or become dissatisfied and will not come back. So that’s a bigger risk than you think. Especially if you provide products or services that someone else can also provide, and then with the desired service. Then you will more quickly arrive at price as a competitive advantage, and that is only interesting if you want to be that too: especially the cheapest. Another item is that keeping customers costs much less money and energy than acquiring new customers. However, online resources are also positive: it can help you find out what your customer wants more quickly. That is enormously valuable. This way you can make adjustments every time, so that you meet customer needs.

Customer journey mapping and voice of the customer

Examples of positive forms of online marketing are the use of customer journey mapping and tuning the voice of the customer. For example, you can use A/B tests to find out which writing style suits your target group. In addition, by mapping the customer journey, you can gain clarity about which phase of the purchase process a customer is in, for example on Instagram. You can then adjust your information accordingly. A customer who comes into contact with your company for the first time naturally wants different information than someone who is already further in the process.